Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Additions

In the last 48 hours there are 5 new additions to the home.... our Yorkie/min pin mix had her puppies. She had 5, 3 girls and 2 boys. They are healthy, but small. I kind of figured that they would've been a little bigger than what they are seeing how their father is the chihuahua that fathered the other puppies we have. So we now have 9 puppies in total all from the same father but different mothers. My loving and beautiful wife has them named and has told me what they were & which was which & how to tell them apart....... BUT LETS FACE IT..... I'm a man & that means almost nothing to me at this point in time, lol. I mean, I'm just now learning the other puppies names & they are like 3 or 4 months old... So telling me who is who & how to tell them apart is like telling a wall its made of a brick. Not much meaning. Not trying to be mean there but its true. Just how a man or at least I am. Cruel? Possibly. Mean? Again possibly. Being me? ALWAYS, love me or leave me, that is how it is with me. But I get that from the time I spent in the prison system as a Correctional Officer. But most people would and do refer to us as prison guards. As well as being around inmates that has done some heinous stuff. It has a way to turn a person cold.