Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stupid People

    It never seizes to amaze me as to how stupid people can be, let alone ignorant. So people try to be this all smart and brilliant and strong person, but they fail to keep their acts up when they are faced with the truth or hard facts. Then when said people decide they want to play with the big boys and girls and get shown that they don't know how to truly play the game, they revert to ignorance and stupidity for said actions. Hence an episode that occurred this evening about a friend and his girlfriend. She got overcrowding and then he comes see me and my family for the day... was enjoyable with the couple times that involved her. Which by incident was when myself & my friend (the boyfriend) went to HIS house to get a couple things. She got a little moody with him yet again. Well the 2nd time she got this way with me in company of him was when we went back because we forgot to get something. Mind you this is HIS house and she lives with him. He decides to drink through out the day.... no biggie he is an adult and pays the bills at his house. So he is entitled to do so if he wants. Well he drank too much for him to drive back home even though he only lives like 2 miles from me. I take him home and the girlfriend shows her "game" yet a 3rd time today. She is mad and asks where HIS truck is and where HIS keys are. I told her the truck was at my house and the keys were in my pocket. She then asks for them. I replied back not without him saying so. He looks at me and says it was ok. I gave her the keys to the truck and he gets out and goes inside, I leave to go back home. She gets his truck & goes back to his house. Shortly after I get a call from him saying that she was gone and so was everything else. I asked what he meant by everything else. He told me the animals, some of her stuff etc.... he goes on says a few IMPORTANT items. We get off the phone and me and my wife decides to go to his house. We arrive and she has hidden his keys and refuses to tell him where they are. After a while she finally tells him and we get the keys. so he is now relieved for this. She tries telling me that the only reason that he got the truck was because of HER. As well as tells him that it was because of her & her grandmother. Now mind you she refused to say much to either of us in person, but on the phone. I tell her it don't matter who helped get the truck it only matters in courts that HIS name is on the title and HE is making the payments ALONE. So she now has truly shown her stupidity and ignorance here, due to the fact that she is trying to fight legalities with people that has taken legal classes for former jobs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

People & Their Stupidity

Its been a while..... I have recently discovered just how far stupidity will take & drowned down people. The most recent instance I am referring to is my wife's EX husband's wife.. my wife & her EX made an agreement for taxes this year... He claims their kids & send half to my wife. Well this would still give him & his wife a larger refund & give us the ability to get things we need.... a car...... clothes, shoes etc for the kids. But the catch is... HIS WIFE didn't want him to claim the kids & when they found out how much they were getting back SHE then didn't want to send any  of the money to my wife... Which if he didn't would cause them the loss of more than they want to in tax fraud & such. A few days after he got his return he sent a check from his bank to us. That's fine whatever even though he was told to wire it due to reasons of needing it that day... His wife then decided to put her nose & mouth in a situation that didn't concern her. we asked for some help until we got that money & was told no even though the help was for the kids. reason given..... get this...... The EX husband's wife didn't want to give my wife a damn penny & stated that she & others here need to get a job & quit expecting every damn thing to be handed to her. Then last night she decided to send an e-mail to my wife. This e-mail stated to the effect that she has EVERY right to ANYTHING with her husband & can have contact with HIS kids (kids that has no relationship to her aside from their father) & that she will NEVER come back here because all she is while here is miserable. Then another e-mail comes in saying she don't care about the kids, what they say about her nor what they think of her..... see the stupidity drowning down people yet???? I am just a step father to the kids in the middle of this.... I respect both parents enough & as a step parent i know my role is to gain the trust, respect, & love of the kids that are in my care..... Their father has not & is not paying child support.... So the judge said in the MOTHER & FATHER"S divorce no child support to be paid as mother ( who has sole custody) as refused. The father's new wife now wants to say the kid's mother  is all about money.... HHHMMMMM she has stopped 2 different states from getting child support from him & it would be evident that if the mother wanted money from him, which by the way the courts says if mother asks for money for the kids NEEDS he IS TO GIVE IT, no questions asked. So who is about the money now?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Adventures

 I woke up today, got a shower, got dressed, went to get the kids from school.... you know the whole daily grind bid. After getting home with the kids I decided i was going to head out to apply for a couple jobs & check on potential jobs.. I applied to the local lumber mill since my family & the owners are friends & have known each other for some years now.... my grandfather was their head mechanic there. I didn't feel that it might pan out but all I can do is hope for the best. So I went to the cafe here in town that is opening soon & found out that it is opening in the morning. I was like great another job that i didn't get... Then the owner told me that I will be called as soon as he finds out if he needs a dishwasher or if the few people that he has will be able to cover it. I quickly told him that with the word spreading that he is open & he is doing breakfast starting at 6 a.m. he will need a dishwasher. See I have people asking me about a bunch of of business advice. Things like what should i order to sell, what products do i need, etc.... I get this because A) I am from this area, B) I have told these people this & that. And it has shown to be truthful. So the owner said he is hiring me but not going to have me come in until he knows that he will absolutely need me right now. Well you say that's great!!!. I say that sucks.... I am in a position of needing a job like 2 years ago.... But as I told my wife this is a glimmer of sunshine to a gloomy road travelled. We will be able to start working to get back on our feet when I get the call to come in & get a couple full pay checks.... Hopefully it will be real soon.

Monday, January 30, 2012

People Against Adult Gamers

It has been about a week since I last posted. Today I want to talk about people who are against adults who play games like WoW,  Rift,  LoTRO,  Diablo, etc. My wife was telling me the other day that in a couple groups that she belongs to in the blogging community has started more or less bashing adult gamers. Well I for 1 as stated in my 1st entry that I, myself, play games. I run a guild in WoW, in another guild on another server as well as take care of my 8 kids that still live at home with me & my wife. Our oldest son plays on my PC since his is having issues in the morning... mid to late morning he gets off mine & on his to let our oldest daughter play some since her PC can't handle WoW.  then in the late afternoon mid evening she gets off and i get on. By this time the kids have their home work done, chores done, and eating dinner. So by time i get on my PC to play the only thing left is getting them in the tub & then bed....  So with this said its not as bad as people think... yes there are parents that get entrenched in the games, but hey that happens with anything. There was a case in Florida not to long ago that a mother BEAT her child to death because she was disturbing her while she played FARMVILLE. Don't get me wrong, I also play Farmville from time to time but not addicted to any of the games. This is typical stereotyping that goes on everywhere, all the time. You hear a case or two & then its ALL who do this is like that. I want to say this is not the case in, I'd say about 97% of the cases. Most adults that play games like this have full time jobs, school, families, and other things that comes above these games & they usually get done before they play said games.... Shoot I look for work while I am in a game a lot of the time..... I will find a spot to sit so i don't die or get attacked and go on another page with my 2nd monitor that is attacked to my PC & look for a job. How do you think I have submitted over 2000 (yes two thousand) job apps in 2 years? I know you say are saying I don't care about this, but it has become a huge ordeal over last several years..... My generation is generation X as we are labeled.... we do everything that our parents & their parents didn't or wouldn't do (except Woodstock, Vietnam, things to this nature) We have been forced into a war on several fronts...... In my opinion and thoughts was not what the media and many others want to say was the "REAL" reasons. The real reason for this war was the fact that terrorists attacked the US, The WORLD!!!!. Our President George W. Bush at the time did what I would expect from a leader that was in his position..... REACT!!! But that is another story, thought, theory, & belief. We were ushered into the things we do by our parents, the people who had no choice but to let a TV & games be our babysitters when they were out working making ends meet for us. So People now even ones that are a part of this same generation wants to label parents & adults like myself & MANY others. I want to say this..... look at all the facts before you judge someone!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

New beginnings

Today I have had a talk with almost everyone of the kids. There has been tension building between the children and myself. I have found reasons why and we are now taking ways to correct this & get back onto a healthy relationship. There is a difference in parenting styles between me & my wife & it has caused some tension between me & the kids. So as of today we are all going to work on keeping our promises to each other and work to get a healthy family again. This has been going on for some time now & I have been stressed over it, trying to figure out how to fix the problem. It appears I am an outlet for an issue that has been going on at school. This is being handled & was suppose to already be handled at school but I guess it is still going on. So I will go and have a talk with the principal at the school over this again. But after the talk me & the kids had we are already showing some improvements and I hope that it keeps getting better. It is unhealthy for all involved, but more importantly the kids. I think that it is part of the issues else where as well, not just at home.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


So I am watching an anime series called Blood +. Its about this girl that is kind of like a vampire that hunters vampires. But they aren't vampires. They are called in the series kyropterians or something to that effect. They are monsters that have to feed off blood but they are not in human form. They are tall like humans but monsters, mindless, conscious less monsters. The main character is a special girl. Her blood kills these things & her "bodyguard" isn't really her bodyguard, but her groom. She don't know this due to the fact that she "fell asleep" several years prior and when she awoke she couldn't remember anything at all. This guy that was a war vet took her in as his daughter & they lived for a year just to discover what she really is. thus far i have gotten to episode 22 in 2 nights. For all that enjoy a good anime, i highly recommend this 1 to all.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dead of Night

There are times that I sit in my chair at my pc and just enjoy the peace and quiet of all sleeping in the house. There is usually only 2 or 3 people up late at night & it is relaxing before a new day of complete and utter chaos of the new day to come. Some days are good and others you just want to go back to bed, wake up, & try it again. But in the time of peace you get to reflect without bother from others as well as plan for the next event that you may or may not have coming to you. Am I alone in this enjoy meant or does others of you feel near to the same?

Strange Things

 Today I want to touch on a few things that would strike a "normal" person strange. But these things are so normal to me. Things like compulsive lying, thievery, fraud, exploit, and numerous other things like these. You say, "People will always lie." This is true people will always lie, but not to the extent that the people I am referring to does. These people lie about the stupidest things such as being at Wal-Mart, being asked if they have a couple dollars that could be borrowed and them saying no while checking out paying for stuff with cash. Not much of a lie huh? Then it gets weaved even further.... they speak of getting stuff that feeds an addiction. Yea kind of messed up huh? You ask for something that you NEED and they lie about it. Then we move on to the next thing, Thievery. Not just the basic thievery either... I am talking about they have taken WAR MEDALS of your grandfather and pawned them. Taking of your grandmother's pearls while she lays dying. You going to work with them and suppose to be splitting a company 50/50 just to do a month's worth of work to get $160. That's working 6 and 7 days a week from 8 a, until whenever you get home at night. Most of the time it was around 5 to 7 p.m. Hiring people that they KNOW is on workman's comp with another company just to turn them into WC lawyers with doubles of pics you had taken. All in the name of not having to pay them. To hire someone else, someone that their parents has done nothing but helped to keep said person out of jail,  to do something similar to them. Except to tell this person "I gave the money to your dad." this didn't set well with any parties involved EXCEPT the person that told the lies to steal the money. Which with that you see the fraud & the exploits? I do. We can also hit on the topic of discipline. There was an incident where I was asked to discipline my nephew for hitting a female. This in it's self is a big no-no with me. A man DOES NOT hit a woman, Period, end of story. I did what was asked of me, which was not very hard mind you. A few days pass I get a call saying authorities have been notified. several months later I receive a notice from the STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE saying the charges were being dropped. the only people that knew of this was FAMILY. Messed up huh? Yea I think so as well. Esp that part when the "mother" asked for this to be done then turn around & call the cops to file complaints. Now you say this happens all the time & i agree it does..... But does it all happen within your own FAMILY? It does with me. Brother that would rather steal something rather than ask & it be given to him. a sister that lies about EVERYTHING, i mean EVERYTHING. If she walks in soaking wet & says its raining outside, you better go find out SEVERAL times for yourself. parents that would rather not help their son just because he married a woman that they can not control, speak religion to, looks like a bombshell, and is very outspoken. I have taken to the facts that me, my wife, and my children are all the true outcasts and as long as i am married to my wife always will be. But like Bob Seger said, "C'est La Vie".  Then to top all this off, they refuse to help but get mad as all get out when i refuse to help them because i put my own family above their wants. So I ask you now is this normal for a family? I think not, not unless you are a part of mine!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Additions

In the last 48 hours there are 5 new additions to the home.... our Yorkie/min pin mix had her puppies. She had 5, 3 girls and 2 boys. They are healthy, but small. I kind of figured that they would've been a little bigger than what they are seeing how their father is the chihuahua that fathered the other puppies we have. So we now have 9 puppies in total all from the same father but different mothers. My loving and beautiful wife has them named and has told me what they were & which was which & how to tell them apart....... BUT LETS FACE IT..... I'm a man & that means almost nothing to me at this point in time, lol. I mean, I'm just now learning the other puppies names & they are like 3 or 4 months old... So telling me who is who & how to tell them apart is like telling a wall its made of a brick. Not much meaning. Not trying to be mean there but its true. Just how a man or at least I am. Cruel? Possibly. Mean? Again possibly. Being me? ALWAYS, love me or leave me, that is how it is with me. But I get that from the time I spent in the prison system as a Correctional Officer. But most people would and do refer to us as prison guards. As well as being around inmates that has done some heinous stuff. It has a way to turn a person cold.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Puppies

We have 4 puppies that are chihuahua/dachshund mix. One of them is spoiled rotten.... He will come up to me and start barking, which i will bark back and forth with him until he is picked up. Not only will he bark, he will also jump and claw at my leg until I pick him up. After he is being held he will do nothing but give kisses and lay there. All communication therefore ends. That is until he is placed back on the floor, he goes around checks to make sure everything is ok and at that point he will come back and do it all over again.. After about a week of doing this one of the others have joined in, in doing the same thing. It is cute that they do that, or at least in my opinion anyways.... Is this just something that I get from my puppies or does anyone else get this or something similar from theirs? I rather enjoy hearing about wild or corky things animals do to please their human families....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Dinner Episode

Ok, so I started slow cooking dinner at about 7:15 a.m. I checked on it at about 11 a.m, put water to it added very few spices. In fact i only added an apple wood pork rub and some Everglades seasoning. It returned to the oven until about 4 p.m. when I took it out & drained some of the juices since they were starting to overflow. I turned the heat up from 250 to about 450 to get a final speed finish cook to it. After about 10 minutes of being on this temp the house started filling with smoke & the kids was getting worried so i asked them to check the oven due to me doing something else at the moment. They informed me that the oven was catching fire... at this point they start freaking out trying to blow it out wave plates like a fan, 1 of the girls was even about to get water & toss on it... on a grease type fire...... I got to where I could go to the oven, take the meat out, & put out the fire with salt.... firefighters have always taught to use salt on a grease fire & it is the truth salt will put out a grease fire for those that don't know this. So while I am working on the oven fire (how small it was) the girls was telling the wonderful wife about it.. which she decided to try to get me to come to her while dealing with this.... NOT HAPPENING!!!!... a few minutes later i get it back in the oven & go see what the wifey wants,...... she seemed to get a chuckle out of the fact that I didn't get all up tight & i acted as if it was no big deal. Mind you, I worked in corrections 9 1/2 years... 6 1/2 at the state maximum security prison that we dealt with fires on pretty much a weekly basis. It don't pay to get excited over something like that.... best thing to do is stay clam & handle the issue. Within minutes the fires started again.... so i had to take & clean the oven, put dinner back in to finish cooking, which is exactly what I did.... Boston butt, mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn was the meal & it turned out rather good in my opinion even after the SMALL oven fires that occurred. there was no accidents or injuries, the meat was not harmed, & ended up being cooked despite the oven not wanting to cooperate with me fully.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Runs

Today started out as a dreary day.... got kids on the bus.... lay down & get a call for the school that 1 of the kids needs a clean shirt & pants due to said child spilling milk on himself. I get back home & lay down to get a little more rest before the day gets started fully. I awaken and find out that it has rained rather hard which gave me a nice rest. I also realise that it is almost time to get the kids and meats for dinner wasn't taken out. So i now have to go get the kids from school. we get home with little issues.  Time rolls around to figure out what we will be having for dinner.. i consult with the wife and she says to get pizzas. so I go to the store to get the stuff for dinner and i discover a few things that peaked my interrest. 1) a sister of mine was with a guy that she says she has kicked out, was in fear of, had baker acted, & tried to have arrested..... a guy that my parents also have said was not allowed on their property (which my sister lives in a 2nd house that belongs to my parents) 2) I have discovered a small cafe near by has been bought out & is being reopened... the gentleman that has lease/ownership went in to see what all has to be done this evening & I happened to check it out as a possible job. So we spoke & the owner wants me to be there Monday as a helper to get the place cleaned up & in order for opening day. I am being very hopeful on this since my family has no income now due to no jobs within the household. Monday morning as soon as i can get the kids to school I will be on my way there which is about 7 am ish. I'm not sure what all he wants to do or how long he wants my help but i hope it will be for a little bit of money so i can spend it on bills....  I have been so stressed over the last 2 years due to no job that I don't know what to do.... selling drugs??? not an option.... i don't do them nor like them around me or mine.. plus something about going to prison for X many years for it.... NO THANK YOU!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Daily Grind

Today is a day like any other in the home. I wake to get the kids ready for school, get them out the door to the bus, lay back down just to be kept awake by the constant ringing of the phone for all but 1 important reason. This particular caller was a potential light to a 2 year dark tunnel for me thus far... being only a 3rd call back for a possible job in these 2 years. It was a member from the personnel department for the Florida department of corrections wanting to verify the information to be true, accurate, & up to date on an application i filled out less than a week ago. So after this call comes in I get out of bed knowing that I must get on the phone & make a few calls to the institutions that I told the personnel employee I would like to try for. Thus started a series of run a rounds etc.... we all know how that goes..... he/shes not in may i take a message.... they will be back at this time on this date..... they are unable to get to a land line.... etc. Time creeps up to time to go get the children from school now..... it has been a somewhat decent day thus far,....i have found an easy way to get the kids home without fighting & arguing & having to do this or that with them.... we play a game, I Spy. the kids love it & we get home in no time at all. then the usual fight of getting chores done & homework. YAY!!! this goes on till dinner time & we get to have a rarity...... CHILI!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Start of a blog

I am just starting this out to see what it can come out to be. I am a father of 11 children (8 live at home, 3 adopted & live on their own) I am also a grandfather of a granddaughter and a grandson, both given to me & my wife by a daughter that is living on her own. A little about me. I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I am a middle aged native American (working on getting the certifications through the U.S. Government). I am a former corrections law enforcement officer. I served 9 1/2 years for the Florida department of corrections, 6 1/2 of which was at Florida State Prison. I have since been terminated from there for reasons that i don't wish to get into at this time. Maybe another time I will go into that. I would have to say that my life experiences would state that I have had no easy life. survived being hit by a car & truck walking, fought parents to get an education, bought my home with a settlement from the accident previously stated, all but alienated by my family for my choice in a wife that THEY haven't given the chance to get to know, the list can go on & on.